Plogging, the art of cleaning up discarded masks while jogging. Just ask this Vancouver ultra-runner
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David Papineau passed a milestone on the long weekend: 5,000 masks picked up in less than two months
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A regular runner, David Papineau had to resort to walking after an injury this spring. Going slow gave him the time to smell the roses … and the not-so-rosy stuff on the streets.
He started noticing how much trash there was and all the discarded masks, but kept walking.
Then he noticed a friend’s young son collecting stuff off his street and decided to do the same on his daily rounds.
“I live on a short street so it didn’t take long to do that,” he told Vancouver is Awesome. “The funny thing about cleaning up your street is you start to notice garbage on every street.”
“Initially when I started seeing masks I thought ‘Who’s going to touch those?’” he said, explaining he was worried about getting COVID-19 from a mask. But “after a while, you start to get to the point where you’re comfortable with the idea of it.” He had changed dirty diapers, so he figured he could do this, too.
As the injury healed and he began short runs, he even got to the point that he knew which type of bag was best to bring along to hold the detritus: bread bags. And that while you know a wet mask is heavier than a dry one, you don’t really know how much a bagful of them will weigh. And with Vancouver’s rainy spring days, there were a lot of wet ones. On one run alone, he picked up 260 masks, two bread bags full.
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Like the fastidious David Sedaris, writer of hilarious tales of the quotidian who began picking up trash from the ditches along his rural English roadside (“You can tell where my territory ends and the rest of England begins. It’s like going from the rose arbor in Sissinghurst to Fukushima after the tsunami.”), Papineau went all out with tongs and gloves — and also elicited odd looks from passersby and even a tweet calling him “a local weirdo,” but some thanks, too.
But unlike Sedaris’s lush green verges, Papineau was in a big, built-up neighbourhood south of the city, and picked up 30 or 40 masks on his first day. Less than two months in, this past long weekend he passed a milestone 5,000 total masks.
An ultra-marathoner, Papineau says he has run every street and laneway in the city at least once. The City of Vancouver told him that’s just over than 2,000 kilometres. When not out on group runs with his @broadwayrunclub, what he does is called “plogging,” which conjoins the terms “plocka upp” (Swedish for “to pick up”) and jogging. With 5,000-plus masks to his credit, surely he can now be called an ultra-plogger.
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With his new project, Papineau has not only counted the masks, he has made notes of where they were collected. On a spreadsheet.
From it, he found some patterns. Some masks were near parking spots in residential areas, maybe dropped on purpose or by accident by drivers getting out of a car after parking at home. Some areas are worse, he told VIA: alongside parks, schools, bus stops, commercial areas and construction sites. Once, he says, he pulled around 30 from a storm drain near a grocery store on Fraser Street.
South Vancouver neighbourhoods have more discarded masks; maybe that’s because more people wear masks there. West Vancouver neighbourhoods turned up less, maybe because of its lower density.
Now that his injury has healed and he’s running again, the new undertaking has given him reason to get himself out the door. And because “a lot of times I’ll run along the edge of the curb staring down into the gutter,” his pace is still slow. But that’s OK.
Cleaning up makes him feel better and, he hopes, helps the general public feel better, too.
“Getting (masks) off the ground feels like an important step toward normal,” he told VIA.
“We live in such a beautiful place, it sucks there’s so much garbage on the ground.”
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